Fact Sheet (English & Chinese 中英文政策簡介) 哈里斯:為亞太裔人士的權益而奮鬥

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Kamala Harris: Fighting for Asian Americans 哈里斯:為亞太裔人士的權益而奮鬥

Donald Trump stokes anti-Asian hate and violence 川普只會煽動反亞裔仇恨和暴力

Vice President Harris is advancing justice and opportunity for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities, whose diverse cultures, languages, and religions enrich America and its role as a global leader. She’s lowering costs, keeping communities safe, and standing up to Trump’s attacks on our freedoms. In Minnesota, Governor Walz is tackling child poverty, investing in education, and improving access to health care.

Donald Trump plans to jack up prices, weaken the middle class, cut Social Security and Medicare, and end the Affordable Care Act. Project 2025 would give him unprecedented control to implement his destructive agenda. His plans would increase costs for families by at least $3,900 a year by slapping a Trump sales tax on imported everyday goods that AANHPI families rely on, like gas, food, clothing, and medicine.

哈里斯副總統正在為亞裔、夏威夷原住民和太平洋島民(AANHPI)社區爭取正義和創造機會,這些社區的多元文化、語言和宗教豐富了美國 及其作為全球領導者的角色。她致力於降低生活成本、維護社區安全及抵制川普對自由的攻擊。在明尼蘇達州,沃爾茲州長正在解決兒童貧困 問題、投資於教育和改善醫療服務。

川普計劃提高消費價格、削弱中產階級、削減社會保障和醫療保險,並終結《平價醫療法案》的保障。2025 計劃將賦予他前所未有的控制, 實施他破壞力巨大的政策。他的計劃將對亞太裔社區日常生活所需的進口商品(如汽油、食物、衣服、藥品等)變相徵收額外銷售稅,結果 就是導致普通家庭每年必須至少增加 3,900 美元的支出。


William Tong: Op-Ed:


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